
The lies of MN Gov Walz and AG Ellison

In the wake of the Supreme Court Decision taking the Federal Government out of Abortion and returning it to the States, Minnesota Governor Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison had some interesting statements. Governor Walz said he supported a women's bodily autonomy, her Right to Choose what happens with her body, complete with an Executive Order- This is the same Governor Walz that spent the last 2 years forcing vaccine mandates on the unwilling!  He supported Vaccine Mandates on State Employees and backed the failed Biden Mandate on companies with over 100 employees to vaccinate. The same Governor Walz that supports mandatory vaccines of National Guard soldiers. The same Governor Walz that remained silent as 700 Mayo clinic workers and hundreds of other healthcare workers in Minnesota lost their jobs. Those women and men certainly had no right over their bodies according to Gov. Walz. Their bodily autonomy

Low tech soultion to Government force

By now it should be apparent to everyone that the Democratic party run Government (they control House, Senate and White house) are trying to force us into the 'green new deal' by making everything so expensive they think we have no choice but to do their bidding. High gas prices at the pump to force you into an electric car, high utility bills to force you out of using fossil fuels and into solar panels and unpredictable wind power. Of course they ignore nuclear power which is the most efficient and carbon free, but I digress. They view fossil fuels as the enemy, when in fact natural gas, oils and clean burning coal have actually improved the lives of millions and lowered carbon emissions. Some of the highest areas of carbon emissions are in countries where heat and cooking come from burning wood and even dung. When modern gas, oil and even coal power plants come on line the air quality improves immensely. That is now apparently not good enough. Well let me suggest this. We can

Stand Against the Big Auto Lobby

  Every year there are thousands of automobile deaths on American roads. According to the NHTSA there were 28,190 deaths in 2020 alone.  11,654 of those involved alcohol ! Every year thousands die as a result of legally sold automobiles and legally purchased alcoholic beverages. Not to mention intentional homicides committed with cars like at the Christmas parade in Waukesha Wisconsin where over 60 people were targeted .   5 people were killed and 40 injured in a racially motivated  automobile attack. The driver Darrell Brooks posted repeatedly on social media his hatred for white people and wishes to harm them. Brooks mother says her son, the driver was mentally ill. Did no one see or report the Red Flags?  I’d like to propose a few Common Sense Automobile laws . 1.             Statistics show young drivers have the most accidents. I’d propose the legal age for operating an automobile to be raised to 25 when the brain is fully developed. 2.             Before someone can

What is a woman?

March is National Women's month. This past week a woman judge was asked by a Senator, who was also a woman, to "provide a definition for the word woman." The judge answered she could not because she's not a biologist. I am neither a woman nor a biologist but I'll give my definition. I am not going to define a woman by her work as all women and men can work, but rather by what is unique to being a woman. A woman is the single most amazing and complex of all of nature's creations. A woman carries within her ovaries the seeds of life. All potential human life is carried within her since her birth.  She has the ability to grow another human being within her womb nourished by an umbilical cord that provides that growing life with everything it needs to thrive and grow from the nutrients within the mother's body.  All humans who are alive were carried by a woman. Once born, that child can be nourished by the milk made in the mother's breasts specifically tai

Insurrection, No Insurrection, know the difference!

 INSURRECTION Not an INSURRECTION Know the difference!

Hennepin County Sheriff Hutchinson DWI , reporter harassed?

The reporter, Rebecca Brannon had the police visit her parents house after investigating this story . Listen to the first part of this Justice and Drew podcast and subsequent callers. Harassment? Attempted media suppression? Listen to it and decide.  

This is Labor Day Weekend

 Yesterday I overheard this conversation coming from another room while visiting someone at a medical facility. "There's plenty of oil. We can easily withstand $3.20 a gallon, even as much as $5 a gallon. We don't need to drill. Those derrick workers think they deserve $90,000 a year for pumping oil? That's not how it works. They need to go to school and get an education." I've got news for this person. Your Lexus is fueled by those oil drillers. The men and woman covered with oil, with sore backs and rough bands. The asphalt in the roads you drive on, the shingles on your roof, the plastic in almost every product you use, compliments of them. They sit on beams welding the sky scrapers your office is in. They install the windows you look out of when you look down at everyone else "less educated." They fix your car with dirty hands and cut knuckles when the warning light comes on, on your dash. They run the wires that power your home and work in the p