Low tech soultion to Government force

By now it should be apparent to everyone that the Democratic party run Government (they control House, Senate and White house) are trying to force us into the 'green new deal' by making everything so expensive they think we have no choice but to do their bidding. High gas prices at the pump to force you into an electric car, high utility bills to force you out of using fossil fuels and into solar panels and unpredictable wind power. Of course they ignore nuclear power which is the most efficient and carbon free, but I digress.

They view fossil fuels as the enemy, when in fact natural gas, oils and clean burning coal have actually improved the lives of millions and lowered carbon emissions. Some of the highest areas of carbon emissions are in countries where heat and cooking come from burning wood and even dung. When modern gas, oil and even coal power plants come on line the air quality improves immensely.

That is now apparently not good enough.

Well let me suggest this. We can return to the old ways. Rather than using a gas oven or electric range cook outside on a charcoal grill or a wood fire in a fire pit.(Food will taste better). Wood burning stoves and heaters for houses will reduce your dependence on their energy grid and paying their inflated prices. Buy a gasoline burning generator to ride out their predicted brown outs and black outs.

If you live in a rural enough area get horses and maybe a buggy.

There's always a way to resist being coerced into something you don't want or need. If the air gets a little smokier, or horse droppings once again line our roads who cares? If it gets bad enough maybe they will appreciate why we use fossil fuels in the first place. 

Do they really think the average family can afford a $100,000 electric car and $3-$4,000 to install a charging port in their garage? Assuming they have a garage and don't rent or park on the street or a surface lot. 

Screw that. Lower tech can be cheaper and added bonus, smokey air makes for fantastic red sunsets!


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