The lies of MN Gov Walz and AG Ellison

In the wake of the Supreme Court Decision taking the Federal Government out of Abortion and returning it to the States, Minnesota Governor Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison had some interesting statements.

Governor Walz said he supported a women's bodily autonomy, her Right to Choose what happens with her body, complete with an Executive Order-

This is the same Governor Walz that spent the last 2 years forcing vaccine mandates on the unwilling! 

He supported Vaccine Mandates on State Employees and backed the failed Biden Mandate on companies with over 100 employees to vaccinate. The same Governor Walz that supports mandatory vaccines of National Guard soldiers. The same Governor Walz that remained silent as 700 Mayo clinic workers and hundreds of other healthcare workers in Minnesota lost their jobs. Those women and men certainly had no right over their bodies according to Gov. Walz.

Their bodily autonomy, 'my body my choice' meant nothing to him when it came to their choosing to remain employed or taking a vaccine they didn't want.

Attorney General Keith Ellison also had flowery words about not allowing women who came to Minnesota for an abortion to be prosecuted by their home states. Women's rights doncha know. The same Keith Ellison who shut down businesses and even had a women arrested who fled Minnesota after daring to defy his and Walz's orders to close businesses they deemed non-essential. 

These clowns don't believe in anyone's sovereignty over their bodies, just obedience to big brother, or else. 

And here's one more reminder of how Keith Ellson really views women!

Just ask his ex girlfriend Karen Monahan.


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