Why does big Labor endorse candidates that destroy Labor?


I've always been an active collective bargaining/union guy. I was in Teamsters Local 638, then LELS Law Enforcment Labor Services), Teamsters Local 320, was an elected National Delegate to the 2011 International Teamsters Convention, was a Union steward for over 20 years and a charter member of MNPEA (Minnesota Public Employees Association). I had the backs of my co-workers for years often to my own detriment with my employers.

Other than MNPEA, which endorses no one, all the other Unions endorse political candidates who are too often in reality anti-labor. 

Teamsters endorsed Joe Biden, now they are angry he eliminated thousands of Union jobs with the stroke of a pen. They endorsed MN Governor Walz, and are again angry he's holding back Union jobs!

But Teamsters aren't alone, according to Newsweek:

These endorsements include the Teamsters union, the United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union.

I questioned my Unions constantly why they did this? In 2016 for the first time ever I voted for a Republican for President, Donald Trump.. Why? "It's the economy stupid." I took shit for 4 years. Suddenly I was a racist, Nazi, homophobe on and on and on. I voted for him again in 2020. Not because I was suddenly a hater but because I saw what he did for working Americans. 

I have a feeling a lot of my Union friends are having buyers remorse. I won't call you the names I was called for four years, but I will say, "I told you so." 


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