I just billed my school district for distance learning

 I just sent my school district, Anoka-Hennepin ISD 11 an invoice for $400 for use of a room in my house for distance learning.

Effectively the government (school) is occupying one room of my house from 7:40 AM to 2:20 PM, five days a week. 

I am required to send my child to school by law. I pay taxes to support said school and can be punished if my child doesn't attend. They are required to provide the school building and teachers. They are now requiring parents to provide the building.

Now the Governor and School have mandated my child be educated at home. Distance learning they call it.

They mandate how my child dresses in the class room in my house during the school day. They have told him not to eat in my house during class. They frequently have visual and audio access to my house using the camera and mic on the computer he uses during class. 

Think about the 4th Amendment and privacy implications. They are mandatory reporters. Imagine some teacher thought there was something wrong going on in my house, maybe they thought they heard a fight between others, they would be required to call the police! Maybe they thought they saw something illegal in my house. 

Can you imagine any year besides 2020 where we'd be forced to give this kind of government access to our homes without a warrant? 

Since they have occupied a room in my house against my will, the government has an obligation to compensate me. This also requires us to use more data on our internet service and pushed us over our limit in November. I should be compensated for their data use also.

My rates are $20 per day for the classroom in my house. There were 19 school days in November so that totaled $380. I was charged $20 by my ISP for going over on data so I billed the School District for that too, making my total bill $400.

I sent them an itemized invoice via Certified Mail today so they won't be able to deny receiving it. I'll bill them each subsequent month and if they don't pay I will take them to court. I will notify the press when I do.

A pandemic, with no deaths of any school age kids in Minnesota is no excuse to occupy my house complete with rules and audio and visual surveillance in violation of the Constitution. I am by that same Constitution entitled to compensation. 


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