Gridlock future predictions

 It's the morning of November 4th in the dreaded year 2020.

As it stands now the Presidential race has not been decided. I'm going to paint two scenarios of divided Government.

The Republicans stayed in control of the Senate and Democrats maintained control of the House, although their position weakened with the gain of a few Republican seats.

If President Trump wins we will basically continue on as we have the last two years. He will be able to continue making court appointments (probably his legacy), continue to draw down our troops and negotiate peace around the world. The trade war with China will continue. We will remain energy independent and manufacturing and mining will continue to grow. As the Corona scare subsides the economy will boom. The Democratic House will continue to block any big legislation.

If Joe Biden becomes President and he does what he said he would do. Mask mandates and further restriction on business will grow choking our private sector jobs except the big corporations. The US will move away from fracking and become more dependent on foreign oil. I predict $6 a gallon gas and rising inflation. 

Healthcare will become more expensive. The stock market will drop to lower levels.

He will let the Trump tax cuts expire, which means the 80% of average citizens who have been paying lower income tax will see their take home checks shrink. He will raise corporate taxes and big companies will either lay people off and/or move out of the US again.

A Biden foreign policy will go back to a weaker global position. I predict North Korea fires up again and Iran. I also predict we enter new foreign wars most likely in Syria where Biden has a hard on for Assad.

The good news is in a Biden Presidency the Senate remained Republican and he will have difficulty ramrodding through major changes, much like Trump is blocked by the Democratic House.

I also predict civil unrest will grow under Biden as he seeks to further defund police and defer to hardcore groups like Antifa and BLM.

Will it be the end of the world? No, but a much more expensive and dangerous one.



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