Contested Election, how we got here


It's Friday the 13th, November 2020. 

The election is still contested and the usual are running around spreading propaganda as if the States have certified their results.

How did we get here? Out of fear of a virus with over 99% survival rate we allowed people in Government to ignore our laws and start ruling by decree. Whether to close our businesses, entertainment and even how or if we can worship or celebrate Holidays. 

This also affected how we ran our elections.

Election laws are written by State legislatures. Not the Governor, not the Secretary of State, the legislature.

Those laws are clear, for instance in most States all ballots must be received by 8 PM on November 3rd. Anything after that won't be counted. Absentee ballots must be signed and unaltered.

On their own, many State Secretary's of State decreed that ballots postmarked by November 3rd could be received and counted, after November 3rd. Sometimes many days later. That is not the law, they had no authority to write law or change law.

The 8th District Federal Court put a stop to that in Minnesota and Wisconsin, rightly ruling it was the Legislatures who make laws and they must be followed.

The US Supreme Court ruled the same in Pennsylvania. 

Unfortunately the Bureaucrats had already issued instructions to voters and election officials contrary to law and people acted accordingly.

We've always had Absentee Ballots. A person requests one, it gets mailed to them and they return it. But this year many States just mailed ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. Rolls that are full of dead people and people who have moved. What could go wrong?

There are allegations in several States of these ballots being cast illegally. There are also allegations of mysterious boxes of ballots being walked in the back door in the middle of the night, long after the polls closed. Often with only one box checked, Joe Biden's, and no other names down ballot. It further lead to suspicions of foul play when in many States they refused to let Republican poll watchers in to witness the counting (as prescribed by law) or had them so far away as to not be able to see anything.

To compound things the media then decided they, not the States, decide who won the race. With several States still in play they decided Joe Biden was President elect. The nightly news not only proclaimed that but began demanding President Trump concede. "Why won't he concede?" They proclaim with ominous tones. "What if he won't leave?" For the record the States, not the media certify who the President elect is.

As of today, the States have not certified their elections and there are several recounts and court cases that need to proceed. I don't know how many of the election irregularities are true, but for an election to be trusted they must be investigated.

We will have a President on January 20th. I don't know who it will be.That is now up to the Courts and the Electoral College.

Unless as in the contested Hayes-Tilden election of 1876 , there aren't enough Electoral votes to push either over the line. Eventually a committee was formed that chose Hayes just 2 days before inauguration day. Yes, it can drag out that long. And you thought the Gore-Bush race taking 37 days to decide was long!

Nowadays the 12th Amendment has the remedy should neither candidate get the prescribed 270 Electoral votes to win. Then each State gets one vote for the President. The Houses of Representatives of those States decide who their State's one vote goes to.

I don't know if this election will go that far. But we have a perfect storm fanning confusion and anger.

Bureaucrats attempting to circumvent law, the press declaring a winner pre-maturely, and now a candidate running around as if he is President elect.

We will have a President January 20th and it must follow the law.


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