
Showing posts from November, 2020

Who's really running our country?

 On November 13, 2020 the New York Post reported that James Jeffrey, retiring Special Envoy to Syria had misled President Trump about U.S. troop levels in Syria.  The President had ordered all but 200 troops out of Syria. That didn't happen. Not only that the number was increased. How was no one arrested for this blatant disregard?  YouTuber Styxhexenhammer666 raises some serious questions on this. Like what would have happened if jihadist attacked our troops and the number killed was more than 200? What if us and Russia had an incident in Syria and the President was unaware of our troop numbers?  The President, our elected civilian Commander in Chief, who has full Constitutional authority over our military was not only disobeyed, but lied to. This means the collective will of the People was overridden by a collective of traitorous Deep State operators with their own agenda. This should frighten and anger every American! How bold of our State Department and Military to do this. K

Contested Election, how we got here

  It's Friday the 13th, November 2020.  The election is still contested and the usual are running around spreading propaganda as if the States have certified their results. How did we get here? Out of fear of a virus with over 99% survival rate we allowed people in Government to ignore our laws and start ruling by decree. Whether to close our businesses, entertainment and even how or if we can worship or celebrate Holidays.  This also affected how we ran our elections. Election laws are written by State legislatures. Not the Governor, not the Secretary of State, the legislature. Those laws are clear, for instance in most States all ballots must be received by 8 PM on November 3rd. Anything after that won't be counted. Absentee ballots must be signed and unaltered. On their own, many State Secretary's of State decreed that ballots postmarked by November 3rd could be received and counted, after November 3rd. Sometimes many days later. That is not the law, they had no authorit

Gridlock future predictions

 It's the morning of November 4th in the dreaded year 2020. As it stands now the Presidential race has not been decided. I'm going to paint two scenarios of divided Government. The Republicans stayed in control of the Senate and Democrats maintained control of the House, although their position weakened with the gain of a few Republican seats. If President Trump wins we will basically continue on as we have the last two years. He will be able to continue making court appointments (probably his legacy), continue to draw down our troops and negotiate peace around the world. The trade war with China will continue. We will remain energy independent and manufacturing and mining will continue to grow. As the Corona scare subsides the economy will boom. The Democratic House will continue to block any big legislation. If Joe Biden becomes President and he does what he said he would do. Mask mandates and further restriction on business will grow choking our private sector jobs except