Who's really running our country?
On November 13, 2020 the New York Post reported that James Jeffrey, retiring Special Envoy to Syria had misled President Trump about U.S. troop levels in Syria. The President had ordered all but 200 troops out of Syria. That didn't happen. Not only that the number was increased. How was no one arrested for this blatant disregard? YouTuber Styxhexenhammer666 raises some serious questions on this. Like what would have happened if jihadist attacked our troops and the number killed was more than 200? What if us and Russia had an incident in Syria and the President was unaware of our troop numbers? The President, our elected civilian Commander in Chief, who has full Constitutional authority over our military was not only disobeyed, but lied to. This means the collective will of the People was overridden by a collective of traitorous Deep State operators with their own agenda. This should frighten and anger every American! How bold of our State Department and Militar...