U.S. policy on Saudi Arabia-Epic Fail

A Lieutenant in the Saudi military was receiving flight training in the U.S.  He murdered 3 people on a Naval Base in Pensacola Florida. Reports are 10 other Saudi students are being held on the base and others are unaccounted for.

I'm not going to regurgitate the same story you can see everywhere in the news-until you can't.

Once again the FBI is giving a press conference telling us 'what happened.' This only emphasizes the major failures of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and military intelligence agencies.

Like most law enforcement agencies all they do is show up after the fact and write a report.

Who vetted these men? FBI? Military Intelligence? CIA? Homeland Security? The local Imam?
Who allowed the shooter to buy a Glock 45?
Why are our military personnel unarmed on a Military base?

Then the larger question. Why the hell are we helping Saudi Arabia with military aid, training and weapons sales?

Saudi's gave us 9/11. Saudi's export their radical Wahhabbi clerics who preach terror in our country.
Saudi's, although the SOURCE of the 9/11 hijackers, have never been subject to extreme vetting.

President Trump had promised to "Make America Safe Again."
This was an epic fail.

The U.S. can no longer support a regime that oppresses it's own people, exports terrorism, murders journalists and pretends to be our friend.

I don't care how much money we make selling arms to the Saudi's, it has to stop. They aren't our friends.

They need to be banned from our military bases, their Wahhabi clerics deported and they need to be put on the extreme vetting list.

We are energy independent and don't need them.


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