
Showing posts from May, 2022

Stand Against the Big Auto Lobby

  Every year there are thousands of automobile deaths on American roads. According to the NHTSA there were 28,190 deaths in 2020 alone.  11,654 of those involved alcohol ! Every year thousands die as a result of legally sold automobiles and legally purchased alcoholic beverages. Not to mention intentional homicides committed with cars like at the Christmas parade in Waukesha Wisconsin where over 60 people were targeted .   5 people were killed and 40 injured in a racially motivated  automobile attack. The driver Darrell Brooks posted repeatedly on social media his hatred for white people and wishes to harm them. Brooks mother says her son, the driver was mentally ill. Did no one see or report the Red Flags?  I’d like to propose a few Common Sense Automobile laws . 1.             Statistics show young drivers have the most accidents. I’d propose the legal age for operating an automobile to be raised to 25 when the brain is fully developed. 2.             Before someone can