
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why does big Labor endorse candidates that destroy Labor?

  I've always been an active collective bargaining/union guy. I was in Teamsters Local 638, then LELS Law Enforcment Labor Services), Teamsters Local 320, was an elected National Delegate to the 2011 International Teamsters Convention, was a Union steward for over 20 years and a charter member of MNPEA (Minnesota Public Employees Association). I had the backs of my co-workers for years often to my own detriment with my employers. Other than MNPEA, which endorses no one, all the other Unions endorse political candidates who are too often in reality anti-labor.  Teamsters endorsed Joe Biden , now they are angry he eliminated thousands of Union jobs with the stroke of a pen. They endorsed MN Governor Walz, and are again angry he's holding back Union jobs ! But Teamsters aren't alone, according to Newsweek : These endorsements include the Teamsters union, the United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipa

Donald J Trump, the man, the myth, the legend. His accomplishments.

  President Trump was a populist President. He was literally the voice of all of us and our concerns that were, and will again, be ignored by the political class. He was swept into office on a wave of people wanting jobs back in America, immigration laws enforced , lower taxes and the burdensome mandatory Obamacare taken off of our backs. The day he took office the press and Democrats began calling for impeachment. DC was rocked with violence and burning cars by the left's useful idiot thugs. Something sadly that would be repeated hundreds of times. In spite of 4 years of opposition from the swamp, President Trump accomplished a lot of what he promised. Here's some from the Official White House account , soon to be removed I'm sure. Thank you President Trump for four great years! Unprecedented Economic Boom Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy. • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’