Open Letter to Minnesota Reps and Senators

I sent the following to my local Minnesota State Representative and Senator. Fact is none of this would be happening if the legislature did their job. Governor Tim Walz dictatorial powers are being allowed by our Legislators. Dear Rep..... I am attaching the audit of Dominion voting machines from Michigan. Minnesota also uses Dominion. It is unsettling. I have no faith in this last election. I have no faith in our State or Federal Government. Secretary's of State were allowed to change voting procedures without legislative approval which resulted in a large unsecure mail in election. This violated both the State and Federal Constitution. But hey, we're all doing rule by mandate now anyways. Apparently no one bothered to ask us citizens if we were ok with no Constitution. How can you approve Electors when we have no faith in this election? Where is our legislature? Once a month you guys meet to continue the one man rule of our State. I know some of you vote to...