
Showing posts from December, 2020

Open Letter to Minnesota Reps and Senators

 I sent the following to my local Minnesota State Representative and Senator. Fact is none of this would be happening if the legislature did their job. Governor Tim Walz dictatorial powers are being allowed by our Legislators. Dear Rep..... I am attaching the audit of Dominion voting machines from Michigan. Minnesota also uses Dominion. It is unsettling.  I have no faith in this last election. I have no faith in our State or Federal Government. Secretary's of State were allowed to change voting procedures without legislative approval which resulted in a large unsecure mail in election. This violated both the State and Federal Constitution. But hey, we're all doing rule by mandate now anyways. Apparently no one bothered to ask us citizens if we were ok with no Constitution. How can you approve Electors when we have no faith in this election? Where is our legislature? Once a month you guys meet to continue the one man rule of our State. I know some of you vote to end it, but the

Minnesota's Unconstitutional Election (and others)

 Today on the Justice and Drew radio show (1130 AM) Minnesota State Senator Paul Gazelka was asked if MN Secretary of State Steve Simon consulted the Legislature when the voting rules were changed in Minnesota this year. The answer was, 'Of course not. He didn't talk to us about anything.' This makes Minnesota's election unconstitutional. The US Constitution states the State Legislators are in charge of election law. This was usurped by MN Secretary of State Simon, and other States Secretary's of State as well. This was a raw power grab with dire consequences. Several Minnesota lawmakers have filed a lawsuit regarding this. Here's an excerpt: "80. By entering into two stipulated settlement agreements with Democrat advocacy groups to alter the process for handling and accepting absentee and mail in  ballots,  Steve  Simo n  unilaterally,  and  without  authority,  altered  Minnesota Election Law. 81. As a result of the Secretary of State ’s usurpatio

I just billed my school district for distance learning

 I just sent my school district, Anoka-Hennepin ISD 11 an invoice for $400 for use of a room in my house for distance learning. Effectively the government (school) is occupying one room of my house from 7:40 AM to 2:20 PM, five days a week.  I am required to send my child to school by law. I pay taxes to support said school and can be punished if my child doesn't attend. They are required to provide the school building and teachers. They are now requiring parents to provide the building. Now the Governor and School have mandated my child be educated at home. Distance learning they call it. They mandate how my child dresses in the class room in my house during the school day. They have told him not to eat in my house during class. They frequently have visual and audio access to my house using the camera and mic on the computer he uses during class.  Think about the 4th Amendment and privacy implications. They are mandatory reporters. Imagine some teacher thought there was something