
Showing posts from December, 2019

Refugees and the affordable housing crisis in Minnesota

Almost everyday we hear that Minnesota needs more affordable housing.  Just this week the Drake Hotel, home to over 30 low income families burned down leaving over 200 people in need of low income housing. According to Wilder Research, an organization that tracks homelessness in Minnesota, in 2018 there were 10,233 people homeless in Minnesota. Now another 200 were added. Minnesota is a generous State, but one has to ask what is our priority?  According to a Pioneer Press article , " Minnesota has the highest number of refugees per capita nationwide, according to the U.S. Census and refugee-support agencies. With 2 percent of the nation’s population, Minnesota has 13 percent of its refugees." According to the same article,  "Minnesota accepted 3,059 refugees from other countries in 2016, according to the Department of Human Services... Minnesota accepted 4,523 refugees in the two-year period ending Sept. 30, 2015, according to the federal Office of

U.S. policy on Saudi Arabia-Epic Fail

A Lieutenant in the Saudi military was receiving flight training in the U.S.  He murdered 3 people on a Naval Base in Pensacola Florida. Reports are 10 other Saudi students are being held on the base and others are unaccounted for. I'm not going to regurgitate the same story you can see everywhere in the news-until you can't. Once again the FBI is giving a press conference telling us 'what happened.' This only emphasizes the major failures of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and military intelligence agencies. Like most law enforcement agencies all they do is show up after the fact and write a report. Who vetted these men? FBI? Military Intelligence? CIA? Homeland Security? The local Imam? Who allowed the shooter to buy a Glock 45? Why are our military personnel unarmed on a Military base? Then the larger question. Why the hell are we helping Saudi Arabia with military aid, training and weapons sales? Saudi's gave us 9/11. Saudi's export their r