
Showing posts from March, 2022

What is a woman?

March is National Women's month. This past week a woman judge was asked by a Senator, who was also a woman, to "provide a definition for the word woman." The judge answered she could not because she's not a biologist. I am neither a woman nor a biologist but I'll give my definition. I am not going to define a woman by her work as all women and men can work, but rather by what is unique to being a woman. A woman is the single most amazing and complex of all of nature's creations. A woman carries within her ovaries the seeds of life. All potential human life is carried within her since her birth.  She has the ability to grow another human being within her womb nourished by an umbilical cord that provides that growing life with everything it needs to thrive and grow from the nutrients within the mother's body.  All humans who are alive were carried by a woman. Once born, that child can be nourished by the milk made in the mother's breasts specifically tai...