
Showing posts from September, 2021

This is Labor Day Weekend

 Yesterday I overheard this conversation coming from another room while visiting someone at a medical facility. "There's plenty of oil. We can easily withstand $3.20 a gallon, even as much as $5 a gallon. We don't need to drill. Those derrick workers think they deserve $90,000 a year for pumping oil? That's not how it works. They need to go to school and get an education." I've got news for this person. Your Lexus is fueled by those oil drillers. The men and woman covered with oil, with sore backs and rough bands. The asphalt in the roads you drive on, the shingles on your roof, the plastic in almost every product you use, compliments of them. They sit on beams welding the sky scrapers your office is in. They install the windows you look out of when you look down at everyone else "less educated." They fix your car with dirty hands and cut knuckles when the warning light comes on, on your dash. They run the wires that power your home and work in the p